.NET Programming Projects

We provide consulting and programming in all areas of the .NET framework. We can lead your .NET development with best practices and expertise in design, development, testing, and implementation. .NET is a powerful platform to build database interfaces, custom software, and business applications, saving development expense using plug and play controls.

We offer:

• ASP.NET: best for web databases and applications
• C#.NET and VB.NET desktop software
• Intuitive, eye-catching user interfaces and navigations
• Optimization of database connectivity
• Sound advice on what platform is best and when to use .NET vs Silverlight or MS Access/Excel

Rapid .NET Application Development in Visual Studio

We are Visual Studio experts. Visual Studio provides a way to simplify effort and reduce time required to develop powerful and trustworthy web and desktop solutions. Visual Studio .NET increases productivity and allows for rapid and cost effective change to applications by offering end-to-end web and .NET capabilities with end-to-end web and .NET capabilities with scalable and reusable server-side components.

Customer Friendly

Our ASP.NET projects are accessed anywhere you have internet connection and a web browser. They work over Computer, Tablet, or Smart Phone. Because we’ve developed so many projects and our consultants have prior business experience, we are great with User Interfaces, making them intuitive and user friendly.

MS SQL Server

We are great at database design, architecture and DBA (database administrator) functions. MS SQL Server is a core component to these services. Our web applications generally all connect to MS SQL back ends whether the front end is built in .NET, Access, or other. We regularly upgrade existing databases from Access, Foxpro or other back ends to SQL Server. SQL Server databases can be hosted locally in your office or in the cloud. We can advise you on which is best for your situation and make sure it is properly installed and configured to meet your needs.

SQL Server Performance Audit and Monitoring

The underlying SQL Server design can have the biggest impact in performance, reliability, security, data integrity, reporting and analytics possibilities. If you’re having problems with your MS SQL Server database, experiencing poor reliability, dragging performance, or high cost maintenance, we can help. Our SQL Server team is here to assist you with these issues. We will align your SQL Server to meet your current needs and prepare for future requirements.

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